Saints Peter & Paul Cathedral - P.O. Box 301767 - St.Thomas, US Virgin Islands 00803
Saints Peter & Paul Cathedral - P.O. Box 301767 - St.Thomas, US Virgin Islands 00803
⋄ Saturday:
7:00 AM (Saturday Morning Mass)
4:30 PM (Sunday Vigil Mass)
⋄ Sunday:
7:00 AM (English)
8:30 AM (Children Mass)
10:00 AM (Senior Choir)
12:15 PM (Spanish/Español)
WEEKDAYS (In the Divine Mercy Chapel next to the Cathedral)
⋄ Monday through Friday: 7:00 AM
⋄ Every Tuesday Bilingual Mass: 7:00 AM
⋄ Every Wednesday: 7:00 and 12:15 PM
⋄ Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Every Wednesday: 7:45 AM to 11:45 AM
⋄ Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena
Every Wednesday before the 7:00 AM Mass
⋄ Morning Prayer with Holy Rosary
Every Morning, before all the Masses
⋄ Wednesdays 11:45 AM to 12:10 PM (Before the 12:15 pm Mass)
⋄ Saturdays : 3:45 pm - 4:25 pm (Before the 4:30 pm Vigil Mass)
⋄ By Appointment (340) 774-0201
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Copyright © 2022, Ss. Peter and Paul Cathedral. All Rights Reserved.