Saints Peter & Paul Cathedral - P.O. Box 301767 - St.Thomas, US Virgin Islands 00803
Saints Peter & Paul Cathedral - P.O. Box 301767 - St.Thomas, US Virgin Islands 00803
Religious Education is offered at Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral for candidates to First Communion and Confirmation. To enroll your child, do the following:
1)Download the Registration Form and fill it out.
2) Gather copies of the certificates for the Sacraments your child has already received, if any: (Baptism, Communion)
3) Drop the signed form at the Parish Office, 2322 Kronprindsens Gade, St. Thomas, V.I. 00802 or mail it to P.O.Box 1767, St. Thomas, V.I. 00803.
Please note: A one-time yearly contribution of $30 per child is suggested for the academic year. A check can be mailed along with your documents. However, you are strongly encouraged to make your donation online below, adding the mention:
"Religious Education 2020-2021 (Name of your child)"
FEES : $30
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